🚨Important: Don’t Let AI Trip You Up on KDP!

If you have uploaded a Canva generated PDF to Amazon KDP, this is important to note.

So, here’s the thing: if you’re using Canva’s AI tools (or any AI, really) to create parts of your book - whether it’s tweaking an image or designing a fancy element - you might run into a sneaky issue when uploading your book to KDP.

Why? Well, when you export your work as a PDF, there’s often a meta tag quietly embedded in the file. Think of it as an invisible “AI was here” stamp that KDP can sniff out faster than a bloodhound.

Amazon takes AI usage seriously. If your book has AI-generated or AI-assisted content, you must select the right option during the book setup process on KDP.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Double-check your PDF: Go into your document’s “Properties,” and dig into the metadata. You might see tags related to AI tools you used.

  2. Be honest with KDP: During setup, pick the correct option for “AI-assisted content.” It’s better to play it safe than risk delays or rejections.

And remember, this isn’t just about Canva. Any AI tool - whether for images, text, or formatting - could leave its digital fingerprints on your file.

TL;DR: If AI lends a hand in creating your book’s PDF, own it. Check that little box during upload. Transparency saves headaches (and maybe a few tears).

Keep creating!
